Getting Started

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Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:31 am

Getting Started

Post by steve33 »

After purchasing the bot, the download link can be found within the Dashboard.

After downloading the bot zip, extract the folder to any new location. The zip does not need to be extracted inside of the Path of Exile folder.

Requirements Operating System
  • Windows N
    If you are using Windows N (Nordic), you will need the Media Feature Pack. Instructions regarding its install can be found here and here.
  • Windows 7 and 8
    Windows 7 and 8 are supported but all software is tested on Windows 10.
    It may be required to fully update Windows (through Windows Updates) for Windows 7 and Windows 8 to use the bot.
Bot Setup
  1. Download all requirements and extract the bot.
  2. The bot can be opened through the Launcher.exe, If you do not see the launcher file, add the bot folder to your Anti-Virus exclusion list. This process will randomize the bot's executable name as a security measure, and then launch it. The launch should lead you to this:
  3. The first bot setting to be set is the POE game path. This can be done in Settings -> Game. Use the Choose Directory button and checkbox "Using Steam" if you are using the Steam Client.
  4. The next settings are the account settings. These can be set in Settings -> Account. The required settings for the bot are Authentication Key, Account Name, and POESESSID. You may fill out E-Mail and Password information if you wish to use the Auto Login feature. This is not required for Steam.
  5. It is not required, but recommended to fill out Stash Settings in Settings -> Stash. You can start with pressing Refresh Stashes to load your stashes, and then Choose My Own Dump Tabs to customize them. It is also recommended to set a Dump Tab at the bottom of the page.
  6. Start the bot in the Status Tab. On first launch, the game will launch in full screen as it configures its settings. The game should then close itself and re-launch with your chosen resolution settings.
Hideout Design
  • The bot requires that your Waypoint and Stash are on the same screen, and that your stash can be accessed with a left click.
How do I know that the bot is working?
  • If you have downloaded all requirements and have configured your bot as required above, the bot will then Log into your account, check to ensure that your inventory is empty, join hideout, and then open your Stash.
    If your stashes have been successfully loaded by the bot and opened in-game, the bot is working fully. The bot will then sell all listed items from any supported tab. Currently, all tabs are supported except for the Map tab and Divination Card tab.
Potential Errors
  • Unexpected error occurred, we are not in hideout, trying again.
    If you have actually joined your hideout successfully, and the bot does not recognize it, this can happen if the Game Path is set incorrectly. Ensure that your game path is correct and try to start the bot again.
  • Failed to find stash
    Make sure that your stash and waypoint are on the same screen and that you are using the default font text for Path of Exile.
  • Failed to load 'cvextern'
    Ensure that you have met all of the requirements above, including the latest Windows Update for your operating system. If you have and are still receiving this error, you can download additional support files here and extract them to your bot folder.
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